Tuesday, December 19, 2006

troubles with blogging

Recently I've been been frustrated that I haven't been doing as much blogging as I'd anticipated at the beginning of the year. However, after pondering this for, oh maybe two minutes, I realized that (1) I just don't have/don't make that kind of time and (2) everything I want to write about involves complaints, revelations, inspiration, frustration, involving students or colleagues and this is just too public of a place to be publishing that kind of information. Who know's who could have access to my blog ? How much would it stink to have my students find this blog and learn that I actually gave them a C on their last test because I didn't get enough sleep the night before grading..oops! No, that's not true at all, but what if? It's just too political to write how I really feel about my experience. That's the crazy thing about blog writing. I'm sure I'm like many other bloggers in that I've always felt I'm much more willing to open up my emotions and express how I truly feel through writing rather than speaking. It's a dangerous thing, this computer, because these keys type my thoughts faster than I'm able to really process what I am saying.

So I'm trying to find a way to share my life at Emma Willard without making myself, the school, my colleagues, and the students vulnerable to misunderstanding and false judgement. My brother suggested starting a new blog in which I could anonymously represent myelf, but then how could I really share what was going on with those of you who know me?? that's the tricky thing. Regardless, I do want to write more. Will see what comes about.

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