Thursday, February 21, 2008
Texas Democratic Debates - CNN/Univisión
I just watched the debate between the two Democratic candidates for the 2008 Presidential election - Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. I took some notes on here during the debate and the points are not necessarily in order so I'll try to make them comprehensible.
On experience
Clinton: she made the point that an Obama supporter, when asked, couldn't name an accomplishment of his
- I think this voter's inability to comment is due to ignorance on the part of many American people, not on the lack of experience on Obama's part. I bet few Clinton supporters could name specific accomplishments of hers. I don't think the majority of Americans have the time or are taking the time to really learn about these candidates. I'm no saint in this but I do think that people make time for things that are important (and this election is important!). If you take a look beyond clips of Obama's debates and speeches and read about his ideas and policies on his website. His plans are extremely detailed and are not empty calls for hope, as some have accused.
Hillary spent years working for corporate American, not for the everyday citizen, whereas that grassroots work has always been Obama's focus.
It's interesting that democratic voters are still split down the middle between the two. This is understandable if the focus is only on the issues. Beyond understanding their positions on all the issues we must consider the candidates character, approach, and tone as people and leaders.
Obama is just so incredibly real and not into playing nasty political games in order for him to win. He is able to connect, bring audience to him with substance and he relies greatly on the power of the people as a whole to sustain his campaign. Donna Brazile a senior CNN analyst and super delegate in Washington, DC said after the debate: Barack is saying about Hillary that her ways are old ways and not how we should run this country.
I like this from Obama at the start: something to the effect of --> people voting for me and supporting me are somewhat
but every major newspaper in state of Texas has endorsed me
assumption of some critics: those supporters are being duped. But really, this is real and it's the people making the change
If we don't bring country together, stop endless bickering...we will never get anything done."
Obama: tone down the rhetoric
both candidates have moved away from necessity on building the fence
english should be official language?
I think both skirted around what they really wanted to say, which is yes - English should be mandatory. They both said that English should be learned and spoken, but that it is important to be bilingual as citizens
Barack: If bilingual education helps your reach your potential as a student more than in just english, than why not allow it?
I think they were worried about offending their Univision audience, but I wish they were clearer on what they think.
I for one LOVE the spanish language and the cultures that use it, but I think the problem in not mandating that immigrants learn English, is that people can't function effectively as unified citizens in this democracy. One can speak whatever one wants but in addition they must learn the language in order to fully participate as educated and aware and active citizens.
Issue of overuse of secrecy in spending
Good point from Obama: responsible for $91million in earmarks, but he has disclosed where the money has gone because he believes in transparency. A lot of earmarks are worthy projects.
Idea for Google for government - letting voters know where the money is going.
McCain is proud that: never asked for an earmark. Does McCain have an advantage over you both?
Good answer from Clinton: Absolutely not. Because if he hasn't been using pork barrel spending, look at where the money that money has gone - to Iraq! Irresponsible spending! Who will move us toward fiscal responsibility (Husband's office term - ended with balanced budget and surplus)
Commander in Chief- Who is ready?
Obama believes in having the strongest army in the world but should use military wisely
In his answers here, Obama really showed independence to say and do what he thinks is right, no just do what others would do. He shows that decisions are about good judgement. He seemed very confident in this position and clear.
Clinton: "ready from day one" to be commander in chief
Many are saying this line of hers is too old. What does she have that makes her ready?
I'm tempted to ask the same about Obama, but you see his approach to using the military is so unique. Diplomacy always comes first.
Question: Is Iraq today better off today because of the surge than it was a year ago?
Nice answer by Clinton: there is a misunderstanding of why we did the surge (buy iraqi gov't time to make some important decisions. But Iraqi gov't hasn't succeeded in making these decisions. Iraqis no longer have blank check. As we remove troops it will force Iraqi gov't to make those crucial decisions and take responsibility for their future.)
Obama: was opposed to the surge from the beginning and we must be clear that the success of surge is a "tactical victory imposed on a huge strategic blunder" (you are so sharp Obama!)
He so clear that he's willing to debate on substance with McCain. Currently spend as much money on Latin America annually that we spend in one week in Iraq.
Need to focus more on home issues (what the hell are we doing to support our veterans? Ok, not those words exactly but the point is clear)
Hillary made some unsuccessful low blows: accusing Obama of plagiarizing words in speech from one of his head campaign managers."If your going to have a campaign of words, then they should be your own. Because it's change you can xerox". Boooo, says the crowd at Univ of Texas Austin and Barack shakes his head.
My dad commented that in her statement, she's trying to make something out of nothing and it's not working well.
Barack answers back "this is when we get into silly season in politics" basically saying you're wasting your words, Hillary. Turns out the words were suggested by this guy Duvall to be used by Barack in his speeches because he thought it would help bring the people in - and it's working!
Obama: wants to change how politics is working in Washington. revolutionize the country by getting people excited and engaged in democratic politics.
Impact of Superdelegates?
Clinton says, "I think it will work itself out"
Yeah, but if they are to have an impact, you, Hillary, are the one who will benefit because you have more of them committed to you. but unfortunately, the majority of superdelegate commitments contradict the votes of their states.
Obama: thinks that these primaries and caucuses should count for something (vote of people should determine candidate). "People want gov't that listens to their citizens"--> Yay! Alright, some might say it's sucking up, but that's why we like you, Barack, because you see our value in this whole process.
"no doubt that democratic party can summon common purpose, higher purpose"
the end
leaders are most tested in time of crisis:
Obama: can't pick single moment. most important in his life was learning to take responsibility for his own actions and bring others together. Cumulative experience is what matters
"govt that is worthy of their decency and generosity"
Clinton: obviously been through challenges (referring to husband's infidelity)
but nothing is as bad as challenges of everyday americans. (and then she painted a vivid picture of the opening ceremony of a new hospital in Texas she just went to with many injured soldiers returned from Iraq). " I know that I am blessed and I want to use my skills"
I am honored to be here with Barack..."Whatever happens, we'll be fine" - valedictory stance some say? But then she said something like, what counts in this is the survival (lifting up?) of the American people...(Hillary had the last word - and it was a good one because she got a standing ovation for it)
So in the end, I think Barack won this debate with his realistic practical nature, clear policies, confidence in himself and the power of the American public and always taking the higher ground. Hillary did alright but I think she was stubborn at getting across certain points and it didn't serve her well. I will applaud her on her final words because I finally saw her as a real person and not just a politician.
Anyone else get the goosebumps after watching this whole debate?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Kickin' it into aunty gear
There has been a load of excitement and cuddling since last Wednesday, February 13, when my niece Taylor Grace was born to my sister Libby and her husband Jared. I was lucky enough to meet this wonderful child just 3 hours after the birth and all of us have been having a grand old time since. Being "in transition" (some may read "unemployed") has provided me with the opportunity to do things I wouldn't normally be able to partake in were I stuck in an office, away at school, or abroad. I've taken over the basement at my sister's house in Herndon, VA in order to help with the slumber parties that ensue during the first few weeks after a birth - this has included anything from dancing with the baby to quiet her down, cooking dinner, being slap happy with my sister, changing diapers, and keeping the dog entertained and exercised. I am getting a free ride in terms of the lessons I'm learning about birth, babies, and first time motherhood and I think I'm in love with this child!
Photos of Baby Taylor |
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