Thursday, February 14, 2008

Homemade valentines

It's never too late to make Valentines, right? I decided to branch out from the traditional pink and white themed valentines and try out my own creativity. Take a look!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Obama for President

I am super pumped about the upcoming election and thrilled that I have had the time and resources to become politically aware and involved. I've been on the edge of my seat this past week because of the close primary race between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Add to it that my sister is going to have a baby any day now.

So yesterday I had the great privilege of seeing the candidate I feel can most positively lead this nation in the upcoming presidency - Barack Obama. A day before the so called "Potomac Primaries" held in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, Obama made a stop at a rally at the University of Maryland in College Park, just 30 minutes down the road.

Obama wasnt' speaking until 12:30pm but I knew it would be packed as seating was first come first serve. I got to the campus around 9:15 and had no trouble parking in the athletics center garage so I figured that I was an early arrival. Once at the bottom of the stairs I quickly learned that I was far from early and I had to take my place at the end of a VERY LONG LINE on one of the coldest mornings we'd had all winter. I walked to the end of the parking garage, down a hill, over a footbridge, past the second swim center and gym, and 10 minutes later I took my place in the middle of some stairs. 5 minutes later there were maybe 75-100 more people stretched behind me and the line seemed to grow exponentially.

I finally got in around 10:30 and because I came stag I found a single seat just eight rows back from the main floor. The atmosphere was bustling with energy and excitement about Obama. Given that it was a college campus, there was a DJ to get the crowd pumped with hip hop and pop music blasting from the speakers like a NCAA bball game. There were student volunteers acting as cheerleaders screaming the chant "FIRED UP? READY TO GO!!" a cheer that has become standard at Obama rallies.

By 12:00 the gym was jam packed and anxiously awaiting the historic arrival of the charismatic Obama. I've never been so inspired to actively take part in the politics of my country and now through Obama's campaign I have felt more empowered as a democratic citizen. I surprised myself and actually was a little emotional when he finally came on stage and felt like I was taking part in a historic moment. I don't think there has ever been a candidate like him who has so revolutionized the way ordinary citizens engage in politics. There have been record turnouts at the polls this year and one could say it's because of the low approval ratings of our current president but it is important to also take a look at what is being done to get people actively involved in the campaign process. Barack's is fully grass roots effort - no private funding whatsoever - and look where it's brought him!

I came to this rally excited about Obama but unsure of whether he is really the guy I trust in such a powerful leadership position. I came away feeling absolutely convinced - not because of emotion or lofty ideals but because of the integrity and honest efforts that are behind every plan of his and they can be seen in all his past experiences. Could clean be a word to describe a political campaign? That's what it feels like. Well I don't want to make any bold political statements here because I'm not in that place right now. But I just wanted to share this experience. Check out a video I took.


I've fallen in love with the news channel and website called Current. It's a new kind of news network that gives the task of producing information and news to the viewers. So the viewers are ones who create the content posted on the web and aired on TV. Not only are the stories covering current news worthy events, but people also do what I see as mini documentaries that showcase people's lives in other parts of the country/world and various cultural events. For example, I learned just a few nights ago about a police officer in NYC who decided to take his love for the game of chess and use it to positively teach the rules of life to troubled inner city kids who seem stuck on making bad decisions. His main point with chess and with life is that every move you make affects the rest of the game/life, so think wisely about where you decide to move. Another topic I watched was an investigation into an all male club in London where men get together to eat biscuits, drink beer, and knit - interesting.

Take a look sometime!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A new kind of Valentine's Day

Each of hearts may flutter with expectation or sink with dread when looking forward to Valentine's day. For some, the day might bring great elation in the form of flowers, chocolates and love letters to and from a special someone. For those who are single, the big Vday might crush the lonely heart and instill jealousy of those couples who stroll around with a mushy glow on their faces. Such is the way of our commercial culture that celebrates the hitched and isolates the third wheels of this world.

But Valentine's does not have to be so divisive. There are much more refreshing and uplifting ways to understand and celebrate this day of Love. I found this great article on the Case Foundation website that reminds people that Valentine's Day after all is about Love. I capitalize the word because it signifies its higher meaning. The is a celebration of the universal Love that is not personal and not exclusive and, to get a little cliché, it dwells in every single one of us. Take a look at "14 Charitable Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day". How are you going to recognize the many ways in which Love is present and active in your life?