Monday, September 18, 2006

Welcome to the real world

¡Bienvenidos a todos! / Welcome Everyone!

I'm so excited to be starting a blog again. I found that being able to post my experiences and reflections when I was in Mexico (Jan-June 2005) enabled me to fully process the growth and learning that occurred there. In addition, it offered you all a unique way to learn through my observations about Mexican culture and the people there. As I embark on this journey into what many call the "real world", I find it only appropriate to share with you all my new experiences, knowledge, and inspiration. I truly believe that we all have so much to contribute to this world, but it starts with contributing to each other. This is one of my contributions and I invite you to offer any thing you may have - responses to my blog, questions, challenges to my opinions, your own inspiration and experiences, etc. The point is that I would love to hear from you!

All the best,


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